Our Ethos

Accessories to Transform
Our Ethos
I strongly believe that accessories can have a transformative power, which can change your look and a mood in an instant. That is why I want to create designs which bring as much joy into your life wearing them as they bring joy into my life creating them.
Accessories are the way we show our personality, the way we ‘finish’ an outfit makes the outfit unique to us. You can have two people wear the same thing with completely different accessories and the outfits will look and feel very different.
Accessories often given an extra dimension to an outfit, a uniqueness, a texture, a sparkle, a layer that gives oomph
The transformative part is taking anything out of the wardrobe, maybe even something considered dull or boring and giving it new life through the details of accessories. Accessories often become the focus of the outfit to others, the details that people notice and compliment.
Also accessories are about versatility, taking one outfit and going from day to night.
I feel more dressed when I wear accessories, like the outfit is finished and I’m ready! Ready to tackle the day or party for the night.
Everyday something new inspires me when creating a design. I am inspired by everything from colours, textures, fabrics, to nature or things which I see when I am travelling. Some collections have a vintage look and feel, as I take inspiration from antiques and also my grandmother who encouraged my passion as a child.
Given the starting point of replacing the elastic in my Grandmother's knickers, my minimal waste mindset has been at the fore front. Any offcuts I have are donated to an artist who works with students on mixed media projects, like junk couture. Or alternatively they are given to the local secondary school art department
Empowering my customers It’s integral, it’s at the root of what I want to achieve. While I make and sell jewellery, the feel good factor is the long lasting product. I wouldn’t get the same satisfaction if that wasn’t the feedback I was receiving
Revolutionising the accessories industry
Our Mission
Our mission is to revolutionise the accessories industry by offering elegant and responsible designs made with sustainable materials and practices.Our products empower women to make sustainable decisions in their fashion choices. Ultimately our goal is to create a harmonious relationship between fashion and the environment
We stand for Colour, sustainability, exceptional customer service, quality, vibrance, from elegant everyday staples to striking, bold, remarkable designs.